Hi, I'm Maximilian Ioffe [rhymed with coffee]. I'm a computer science graduate from Hunter College, an avid programmer and tinkerer. Currently, I'm on the quest to attend graduate school to study network science. Networks are real, exciting, and present everywhere. I've explored networks and graph theory in professional work and hobby projects over the past few years and seek to further that exploration.

I'm also very passionate about environmental sustainability and work on its progress with my tech and geography skills and volunteering. I envision a future where sustainable products are affordable and the default for shoppers, and one where we celebrate achievements in sustainability as one global community that values the wellbeing of our planet.

I spontaneously started Muay Thai, a sport I never thought I would do, and have happily committed to it since. I'm elated to be a member of a supportive group of people who are dedicated to their physical and mental health. It's also just incredibly fun!

My work and interests are diverse as everything is more interesting and deeper than it seems, but recently, I've been seeking depth over breadth. Since purpose can be found in anything, commitment to the things I choose and consistency in them are what I want to focus on.

I lead with understanding, empathy, attention, and love. I value humans over ideologies. The pronunciation of my last name makes opening a coffee shop my destiny, so see you there soon.

A drawing of me